Admissions Requirements & Process

亚洲体育博彩平台的职业治疗计划是一个学士学位后的计划,寻求准备进入以学生为中心的候选人, 技术前沿的学习环境,他们将受到严格课程的挑战和热情的支持, mentoring-minded faculty.

A successful applicant will demonstrate a passion for the profession and for Maryville University’s program specifically; a drive for learning with an internal integrity for their own accountability in the learning process; and an informed, intersectional awareness of how personal factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, etc. impact the experience and health equity of our clients and colleagues.

亚洲体育博彩平台使用职业治疗集中应用服务(OTCAS). 所有申请材料必须在2月1日前由OTCAS进行处理和审核.

The following items are considered during application review:

■ OTCAS Application
■ Cumulative GPA *
■ Prerequisite Course GPA *
■ Student Experiences and Achievements Entered Into OTCAS

*对于2020年春季完成的课程,不考虑及格/不及格或学分/无学分课程的权重, summer, and fall semesters).

注意:Maryville不需要个人论文,而是针对Maryville特有的问题审查4个简短的回答. Personal essays will not be considered during the application process.

Detailed Description of Requirements:

Baccalaureate Degree

在进入玛丽维尔职业治疗计划之前,申请人应该在职业治疗以外的学科获得认可的大学的学士学位. 申请人可以在本科课程的最后一年申请本课程, 但必须在进入职业治疗课程之前提交成绩单,表明获得的学位.

In addition, the applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 within the bachelor’s degree in order to qualify for admission.

Cumulative GPA and Prerequisite Coursework

Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0,并且必须完成(并提交成绩单)以下课程,从认可的教育机构获得“C”或更高的成绩. 所有的先决条件课程必须在提交申请的春季学期结束前完成.

■ Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II with lab
■ Introduction to Psychology
■ Abnormal Psychology
■ Human Development through the Lifespan or Lifespan Psychology
■ Psychology or Math statistics
■ Introduction to Sociology or Anthropology
■ Medical Terminology

Note: For those courses completed during the 2020 year (spring, summer, 认可的教育机构开设的合格/不合格或有学分/无学分课程将被接受. However, 先决条件和累积GPA仍然会被考虑到录取决定中,所有先决条件课程必须仍然符合上述要求.

Occupational Therapy Observation Hours

Applicants are not 需要记录与职业治疗从业人员的见习时间. 学生们应该展示对职业治疗的理解以及他们所从事的各种环境.

Student Experiences and Achievements

Applicants should complete the Experiences and Achievement sections of the OTCAS application to reflect post-high school activities including education, work experiences, awards, community/social participation and leadership opportunities. 这是一个展示申请人投入了时间和精力的机会. Use this space to illustrate individual interests, experiences, 以及在课业和课外活动之间建立健康平衡的能力, whether that is through employment, volunteering, or leadership opportunities.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)


International Applicants

International students must submit a minimum TOEFL score of 563. Applicants who take the revised TOEFL must achieve a speaking sub-score of 23, writing sub-score of 20 and reading and listening scores of 21 or higher, and a combined score of 85 or higher.

Technology Requirements

玛丽维尔职业治疗课程包括三门课程,使用学习管理系统Canvas在线提供. Technology requirements for using Canvas are listed below.

浏览器和计算机要求请查看 浏览器和计算机要求的画布. 在线工作时,始终建议使用最新版本和更好的连接. Canvas将以最小规格运行,但您可能会体验到较慢的响应时间. 要查看最新的要求,请参阅Canvas 支持的浏览器. You must have JavaScript and cookies enabled in the browser you are using. To verify that you have the appropriate hardware and software, 进入 Support Portal ,选择 检查我的技术要求,检查您的浏览器. 该测试将在一个新窗口中打开,并将花费一些时间来验证您的计算机和浏览器是否正确设置. Be sure to address any critical concerns immediately.


除了在Canvas技术和浏览器页面上描述的需求之外, you will also need the following. · Adobe Reader.

  • Office 365 You are provided access to Office 365 by the University. 如果你目前还不精通Office,请在 LinkedIn Learning上了解更多.
  • A backup device (Flash drive, CD/DVD RW) or cloud-based storage (OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Box, Dropbox, etc.) to copy, protect, and transfer important files.
  • Your system must be configured to allow installation of browser plug-ins.
  • Your system must be configured to allow for installation of software.
  • 3-year extended warranty program on your computer

Maryville OT Application Review Process

玛丽维尔的OT项目致力于在亚洲体育博彩平台的招生审查过程中不断消除偏见. To this end, 亚洲体育博彩平台努力在亚洲体育博彩平台的系统中创造透明度,并以公平和包容的方式支持所有申请人在流程中导航. We utilize a rubric-based, 盲法录取过程侧重于寻找符合或超过上述要求的非常合格的申请人.

Maryville’s admissions process is quite competitive. Our cohorts are composed of roughly 40 students annually. 学士学位后申请者的实际名额取决于人数 direct-entry 亚洲体育博彩平台本科课程的学生在某一年进入亚洲体育博彩平台OT课程.

亚洲体育博彩平台的不歧视和平等机会通知可以找到 here.

Application Deadline

亚洲体育博彩平台的职业治疗实践项目修改了录取顺序. 收到申请后,亚洲体育博彩平台将根据整体录取标准对其进行审查, up until the final submission deadline of February 1st. 在此过程中较早地提交申请不会影响您的申请得分, nor does it guarantee an earlier decision, however, 少数申请人的申请在入学标准上的分数等于或高于前一年得分前10%的申请,可能会收到提前录取通知书. Most applicants will be informed of their status of accepted, wait-listed, or declined by March prior to the Fall of enrollment. 2月1日之后收到的申请只有在项目有名额的情况下才会被审核.